Protect your car paint with carnauba wax and car polish. Car waxes should be regularly applied and range from $4-40 – much less than a car paint job.
Keeping your vehicle looking great can help increase its value when it comes time to sell it or trade it in. So consider waxing your car regularly to help protect its paint, as well as make it easier to clean when you wash it. Plus, your friends and family will be impressed with how shiny your car is!
Applying car polish after you wash your car helps prevent the formation of rust and protects the paint job from dust and debris. When searching for car care products for your vehicle, look for those that won’t damage the surface or paint of your vehicle’s exterior. When choosing car products, start by browsing our list below of the 10 best car wax products to help you make your decision on which item best meets your needs.
10. Griot’s Garage Premium Carnauba Paste Wax – $39.99
Griot’s Garage Premium Carnauba Paste Wax has a fast dry time, and the high carnauba content increases water beading so that water glides quickly off of your vehicle’s surface. Easy to apply, the special make-up of carnauba and other ingredients means that the wax is never too hard and has a quick cure time, giving your vehicle the protection you want with a sparkling shine.
9. Meguiar’s NXT Generation Tech Wax 2.0 – $17.99
A synthetic protectant, Meguiar’s NXT Generation Tech Wax 2.0 goes on easily without leaving behind any powdery residue. Eliminating the swirls and scratches of harsher wax products, Tech Wax 2.0 provides long-lasting protection and protects against UV rays from the sun. Use of the liquid wax leaves behind a deep, wet-looking shine.
8. Nu Finish Liquid Car Polish – $8.99
You can apply Nu Finish Liquid Car Polish in direct sunlight, unlike many car wax products. This once-a-year product requires no buffing or rubbing, and it surprisingly contains no wax or polish. Available in a liquid or soft paste, Nu Finish Liquid Car Polish is a synthetic sealant alternative that helps seal your vehicle’s paint job against dirt and debris and provides superior protection over other products, according to the manufacturer.
7. 3M Perfect-it Show Car Liquid Wax – $17.99
Producing a deep wet, gloss finish, 3M Perfect-it Show Car Liquid Wax provides protection against dirt and grime, as well as paint-damaging UV rays. Its slick, shiny finish also deters dirt and grime, meaning your vehicle stays cleaner longer. In addition, 3M Perfect-it Show Car Liquid Wax can aid in the removal of light oxidation from your car’s finish.
6. Mother’s Reflections Car Wax – $19.99
Using an advanced liquid polymer agent, Mother’s Reflections Car Wax cleans while it gives your car a super wet shine. The car wax adds a protective coat to your paint job. For best results, consider using Mother’s Reflections Car Wax with other Mother’s products to protect your car, give it a just-washed shine, and keep it protected over time.
5. Turtle Wax Carnauba T-5A Car Wax – $4.09
Providing a durable, water-repellant finish, Turtle Wax Carnauba T-5A Car Wax puts up a barrier that protects against the UV rays that often dull your car’s appearance. The Turtle Wax Carnauba T-5A Car Wax cleans while it shines, and after applied, it keeps pollutants away from the paint on your car.
4. Liquid Glass Ultimate Auto Polish/Finish – $28.44
You never have to remove Liquid Glass Ultimate Auto Polish/Finish, and it does not crack, chip, or peel, according to the manufacturer. Liquid Glass creates a mirror-like finish when applied and helps protect your vehicle’s body from caustic materials, such as road salt, acid rain, and bird droppings. Easy to apply, the polish contains no wax and is safe for use on a variety of vehicle finishes.
3. Mother’s California Gold Pure Brazilian Carnauba Wax Liquid – $13.99
Mother’s California Gold Pure Brazilian Carnauba Wax Liquid’s non-abrasive formula delivers a deep shine that keeps your vehicle’s surface protected over time. Providing a smooth, clean finish, Mothers California Gold Pure Brazilian Carnauba Wax Liquid works with a variety of Mother’s products to keep your vehicle protected and looking great.
2. OPT Optimum Car Wax – $16.49
Consider this wax for all of your vehicle’s exterior surfaces. The OPT Optimum Car Wax provides a clear, glossy finish using high-quality ingredients. Easy to apply, OPT Optimum Car Wax buffs to a brilliant shine, uses no hazardous chemicals or harsh solvents, and can last up to five months, according to the manufacturer.
1. P21S Concours Carnauba Wax – $37.99
P21S Concours Carnauba Wax provides a deep shine with no staining on plastics or rubber. One of the purest products on the market, P21S Concours Carnauba Wax uses no harsh chemicals or solvents. The soft, buttery texture of the wax goes on smoothly and produces a shiny gloss. Buffing is simple as well, with no powdery residue left behind.
In addition to washing your vehicle on a weekly basis, you want to wax your car every three months to keep the exterior looking shiny and clean. You should also learn how to wax a car before applying any products to your car. You can also Ask a Mechanic if you have any questions about a car wax product.