Tips On How To Keep Your Office Tidy Between Cleans

Waste disposal Sydney recycling centres have minimal waiting time, competitive rates, discounts for pre-sorted loads and all-weather access. The frequency that cleaners are required to clean premises comes down to the type of business and traffic they experience. For instance businesses in the retail and hospitality industry often require daily cleans in order to maintain a polished image, entice customers and encourage their return business. Office cleaning does not have the same intensity, so many of our customers prefer our professional cleaning to be conducted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

It’s well understood that a clean and tidy office environment will increase hygiene, enhance company morale and customer relations. This in turn leads to a boost in productivity. So we’ve come up with a list of handy hints in order to maintain a clean and tidy environment in your office in between visits by your professional cleaners:

1.Tidy Desks: Maintaining a tidy desk assists in work performance and productivity. It also enables the desk to be cleaned thoroughly. Make use of items that will maintain order such as desk drawers for storage, desk organisers, pen holders, In and Out baskets.

2.Wet Wipes: Have at arm’s reach wet wipes or disinfectant and paper towel to clean up any accidents, spillage, coffee marks you may leave behind during the course of the day.

3.Food Storage/Disposal: Food often is a source of odours within the office. This can be reduced by making use of the proper storage facilities such as a drawer or the kitchen refrigerator. Dispose of foods in the bins located in the kitchen or outside office area rather than at your desk.

4.Hang Items: Slinging items of clothing over chairs or desks makes the office look cluttered, unkempt. Make use of cupboards or if not available use hooks or coat stands.

5.Filing Cabinets: Once any work is completed, file any documents/folders that are no longer required. Aim to keep the out tray clear as well. Not only does it make your desk look tidy but creates order and keeps you feeling in control.

6.Coffee Mugs: Most people enjoy a cuppa whilst working, some can’t work without one. If you fit into this category, make use of coasters to prevent coffee rings on your desk and return mugs to kitchen and clean. Don’t leave dirty mugs on your desk.

7.Pickup Rubbish: Rubbish lying on the floor makes the office look dishevelled even chaotic. A few suggestions, have the bin close by, avoid going for the long hoop shot – it’s amazing how many of us are poor shots and then too lazy to pick up after ourselves. Make sure you pull out staples over the bin rather than letting them fall to the floor embedding themselves in the carpet. Empty the bin when it gets full, don’t allow it to overflow.

8.Air Freshener/Incense: An office with bad odours are off putting for staff and visiting clients. Combat these smells with air fresheners or incense as some of my clients tend to use.

9.Avoid Office Clutter: Tidiness applies not only to the desk, look at the entire office space. Dispose of any unwanted items that maybe on shelves or on the floor. Folders and boxes lying on floors for months at a time are commonplace. If they are not required, move them to where they belong. This helps avoid trip hazards, allows for better cleaning of carpets by cleaners and makes your office look presentable.

10.Start Afresh: Before you leave for the day spend a few minutes to tidy up your desk and office. You’ll appreciate it the next day and if the cleaners are due in that night, so will they.

Follow these easy tips, make it a routine and your office will remain hygienic and tidy throughout the week, not just following the professional cleaners. Remember, a clean office promotes a healthy working environment, improved work performance, and supports better customer relations.

If your business is being neglected or you want to learn more about cleaning services in the Melbourne area, please feel free to contact me at:

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5 Top Tips That Will Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

SEO consultant Sydney applying the method used for improving non-paid, or organic, results in search engines for a specific keyword or set of keywords. Here are 5 top rated search engine optimization tips that can be applied to any website to improve search engine rankings.

1. Using The Right Keywords.

Keywords are one of the most important factors for your search engine ranking. If your keyword phrases are too generic it is very unlikely you will rank well in the search engines. Try to use specific keyword phrases and not just single keywords. You stand a far better chance to rank well for specific phrases where there is less competition. The resulting traffic will also be much higher quality as it will be more targeted.

2. Consider Your Page Layout.

Keep your paragraphs short, use bullet points and subheadings and make your content easy to read. Insert keywords in your webpage headings. This means inserting appropriate keywords into the the title of your page (called a H1 heading), the subtitles on the page (H2 and H3 heading). Search engines pay special attention to the words in your headings as they use them as indicators to the main topic of the page.

3. Tag Your Website Images.

Search engines can’t ‘read’ images but they can read the descriptions that you give to your images. Image ‘alt text’ is the text substitute for an image on a web page. An ‘alt image tag’ is the words that a website visitor reads when they move their cursor over an image and those words are also read by the search engine, so ensure that you tag your website images with a keyword.

4. Use Backlinks.

Another way how to improve search engine rankings is with article marketing. When you write an article with a link back to your website and it is published on an article directory, that link is considered a backlink. Article directories are some of the most visited sites on the planet and backinks from them show the search engine spiders that your website has valuable content and the more relevant backlinks your website has, the better your search engine rankings will be.

5. Quality Content.

The job of a search engine is to supply links to the answers or information that users are searching for when they use the search engine. Therefore, your website has to provide useful, relevant and frequently updated content for people to actually be able to read and understand. Remember that your content is there to be read by people, not just by search engines. If you try to improve your search engine rankings with a page full of keywords your website may be blacklisted as spam and will be ignored by any search results.

Electrician: Sometimes You Just Need Their Help

Put your trust on electrician Brisbane 24 hours because they make sure your home and family are safe and all safety standards are met. No matter what type of reconstruction or remodeling work you are going to be doing you will probably need to see an electrician. They will be able to help you to insure what you are doing is safe and within code. The whole point is that they are available to provide a service to you. Their job is to get you the electricity you need in your home and to get it where you need it. There are many options as far as what professional to call in the event of needing an electrician, the thing you need to know is where to look and what you need to look for.

How To Decide:
Well you have reached the conclusion that you are going to need an electrician. Now you have to decide which professional to choose. Depending on the work, you may want to see if the company will come out and offer a free estimate for what you are going to need to have done. Whether it is the installation of a garage door, or the rewiring of your kitchen, it should not be a problem for you to go and find out the cost before you go and get the work done.

You will also want to make sure that whomever you work with will be able to provide the security you need in regards to the work they will be doing. This means you are going to want to find someone who is licensed and bonded. This way if something were to happen while they were working on your home, then you would be able to know that they would take care of it and you would not be held accountable for something that happened because of them. You are also going to need to make sure that the work they are doing is guaranteed. The work they offer should be covered for a certain time period so you will be able to call on them again if something unfortunate happens because of the work that they performed.

Look at the pricing of an electrician and some of the other options you have. You want to find someone who is not only competitive, but who will be able to provide you the best value for your dollar. Many times, they will charge by the hour for the work they do, see if they will charge by the quarter hour so as to save you some money if they do go over and you do not need to pay for a whole extra hour for 10 minutes of work.

No matter what the situation is, you will need to find an electrician you can trust and feel comfortable working with. It is all about building a reputation with the company and allowing them build one with you. Then you will be able to get the work done confidently and securely.