10 Quirky Air Conditioning Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Your home’s air conditioner has a lot more history than you may think. It’s a modern luxury that we often forget we are privileged to have until it goes out on us in the peak heat of summer. When you have an urgent electrician Melbourne, you should never attempt to correct the problem on your own.

Air conditioning has changed a lot over the course of history. Here are 10 trivia facts about AC that will definitely spark great dinner conversation.

1. The First Places to Use AC?: Movie Theaters

Surprised? Us too. Movie theaters were among the first public places to have air conditioning, as a ploy to try to get everyone to come to the movies.

Theaters would release big pictures in the summer, hence the term “summer blockbuster.”

2. What Relies on Air Conditioning to Survive?: Medications

Air conditioners allow many of the medications you take each day to be studied and developed. Researchers require cool and less-humid air in their labs to accurately study these groundbreaking necessities.

3. The U.S. Uses the Same Amount of Energy to Power AC Systems as Which Continent?: Africa

The U.S. is one of the biggest consumers of air conditioning in the world. We use so much of it, that our energy consumption for them is equal to the amount of energy Africa uses every year to power the entire continent.

4. Before BTU’s, How Were Air Conditioner Output Ratings Judged?: Ice

Prior to the invention of the air conditioner, people used to keep cool with large blocks of ice. So, when air conditioners were first introduced in 1902, their output ratings were judged based on how much ice you would need to get the same cooling power.

5. What Was the Driving Factor Behind the Invention of the Air Conditioner?: Newspapers

In 1902, Willis Carrier came up with the idea when working at a publishing company. He needed a way to keep his paper from expanding and the ink from running. Viola!

6. Air Conditioners Are Responsible for Changing What in Humans?: Our Heat Tolerance

Scientific studies have shown that the introduction of air conditioning has actually lowered the natural human tolerance for heat. Meaning a hot summer’s day seems much more amplified than it did to people generations ago.

7. Who Created The First Pseudo Air Conditioner?: The Chinese

In 180 AD, a Chinese artisan invented a 10-foot wide rotary fan that had seven connected wheels. It could cool an entire hall of people just by turning a crank.

8. Who Is Considered the Father of Air Conditioning & Refrigeration?: John Gorrie

Gorrie was a Floridian doctor, and in 1842 he developed a machine that made ice in order to cool the air for his patients. He was granted a patent to create a similar machine for homes and buildings, but died before he could create it.

9. What U.S. Landmark Building was Among the First Ever to Use Air Conditioning?: The New York Stock Exchange

The New York Stock Exchange Building was one of the first buildings to use air conditioning in 1903.

10. The Invention of the Air Conditioner Changed What Other Industry? Architecture

Before air conditioners, architects used to design homes and buildings with high ceilings, porches, breezeways, and landscaping that provided shade in order to keep occupants cool.

Heating and Cooling Myths You Probably Believe

In the spirit of sharing things you didn’t know, we thought we’d share these heating and cooling myths you probably were taught to believe.

Whether it’s common sense that doesn’t actually make sense, or because of technological updates, there are tricks you probably use each day that are actually costing you money instead of saving it.

Read on to see if you’re guilty of believing these common misconceptions.

Ceiling Fans Cool Your Home

Fans move air, and moving air feels cooler on the skin. So, if a room is feeling warm, fans are a great way to cool it down – as long as someone is in the room. While fans create wind, they don’t change the temperature.

When fans are left on in an empty room, they’re not dropping the temperature, but they can help keep the air from feeling or smelling stagnant when you get there.

Close the Register if You Don’t Use the Room

While it makes sense on the surface, this myth is actually outdated. Sure, in the past, heating systems benefited when they only had to heat a small space. When modern systems are installed, each room is considered and factored into the system and closing rooms off displaces pressure for your heater.

Today, closing the register creates an imbalance for your heating system and closing too many can even cause a breakdown.

Fireplaces Mean Less Work for Your Heating System

There’s something about a fireplace – that soft crackling sound and flickering light is totally unique. But if you’re using your fireplace to lessen the work for your heating system, you’re fooling yourself.

The fact of the matter is that a fireplace is a great big hole in your ceiling, and since heat rises, it escapes through that hole. Take note and add in the fact that most people purchase firewood, and you’re spending far more than you’re saving.

Looking to keep your home more comfortable? Consider a humidifier – for a myriad of different reasons.

Duct Tape Is Great for Sealing Ducts

Not so much. Duct tape is good at a lot of things, but sealing ducts is definitely not one of them. When duct tape is used to patch up duct work, it consistently fails, usually within the year. If you’re looking to seal up your ducts, you’ll be far better served by mastic or foil tape.

We hope this information helps you make better heating and cooling decisions regarding your home as well as helps to save you money on your heating and cooling bills.

If you’d like more information on making your home more efficient with a new furnace, air conditioner, or geothermal system, We have plenty of options available for new Lennox systems and rebates are usually available.

Dealing With & Treating Swimming Pool Algae, Mustard Algae, Black Algae, Algaecide & Green Alga

Algae is a common problem in swimming pools. What is it; what are the different types & how is it successfully prevented and treated. First of all, algae is a single-celled plant form. Some are aquatic (live in water), some are not. Algae utilizes the process of photosynthesis to manufacture its own food. Algae comes in very wide variety of colors and forms making it adaptable to almost any condition. Although some forms are virulent – especially Black or Mustard algae -, most are harmless and pose no more than a nuisance to most pool owners. Due to algae’s microscopic size, it takes literally millions of these plants to accumulate to be noticed by the naked eye! By that time it may be too late and very costly to correct. Prevention of algae blooms is the best solution. Pool removal cost Sydney for removing the structure and fill in the open space is not always a concern.

Green Algae: The most common form of algae that we deal with in swimming pools is “green” algae. Green algae (varies in color from blue-green to yellow-green to dark-green) can be free floating in the water (turning the water a hazy-green) or can be wall-clinging (patches of green). Wall-clinging varieties range in severity from small patches on pool walls and bottoms to virtually covering the entire pool surface. Green algae has the ability to clog filters and may even cause surface damage if left untreated. Green algae can be treated fairly simply and quickly with a proper, aggressive shocking & algaecide.

A relative of regular green algae is “small-celled green algae” (SCGA). The difference is seen in these areas: 1. The water remains relatively clear. Many treat the problem (without proper analysis) as a copper or mineral problem, however the metal chelants will show no effect. 2. When treating with chlorine, chlorine seems to “disappear”. SCGA is very resistant to even high levels of chlorine.

Other mid-summer types of green algae noticed is “green spots” all around the pool, especially in shady areas. The water is almost always “very clear”. The water can have a “stinging” sensation. This is normal green algae, typically brought about by lack of homeowner care; i.e. not following a weekly maintenance routine such as the Once-a-Week 3 Step program combined with very low pH and very low Total Alkalinity.

Treatment: Have water properly analyzed. BALANCE THE POOL WATER. Pools treated with chlorine or bromine should aggressively shock with chlorine (BioGuard Burn Out® or Smart Shock®) and use a good quality algaecide such as Back Up®, Algae All 60®, or Banish® in extreme cases. Pools treated with SoftSwim or other Biguanides should top up their Bactericide level “B”, add a double dose of algaecide “A”, and add a double dosage of shock or “C”. Follow up either method with Optimizer Plus® (a borate product similar to ProTeam Supreme). Treating algae with Sodium Bromide should be discouraged (sodium bromide treatments, can, in time, cause a chlorine demand problem).

“Black Algae” (actually blue-green algae) forms in cracks and crevices on pool surfaces, especially plaster finishes. We normally find black algae growing in, but not limited to, shady areas of the pool. Black algae is more typically found in concrete or plaster finished pools; it is very uncommon to find it in vinyl liner pools. It is known for a heavy slime layer and “skeletal growths” that make it impervious to normal chlorine levels. When viewed in a swimming pool, the water remains relatively clear, however, almost all customers notice a high chlorine demand (use much more chlorine than normal). When brushed, “black algae” will be difficult to budge and even though it seems as if it has been removed, the black algae will most likely return to the exact same spots within 24 hours.

What we’re beginning to understand is that Black Algae is “aided” by swimming pool bio-films. As bio-films accumulate on pool surfaces, they act as a kind of “breeding bed” providing nutrients and a “soft” place to set down roots. Removal of the bio-film dramatically aids in the long term treatment of Black algae. The more that the bio-film is removed and continually removed, the less likely Black Algae will be able to set down.

Treatment: Have water properly analyzed. BALANCE THE POOL WATER. Prior to and during treatment, the algae MUST be thoroughly brushed in order to “break open” the slime layer that covers and protects the Black Algae cell. During treatment, the chlorine level MUST be maintained in excess of 3.0 ppm – this may require daily shocking of the pool – AND the affected areas MUST be thoroughly brushed 2 to 3 times per day to allow the chlorine treatment to penetrate the algae. TRUE Black Algae is very resistant to treatment and can be transferred from pool to pool via bathing suits and pool toys. Failure to do these critical steps will prevent the treatment from working. Pools treated with chlorine or bromine should aggressively shock with chlorine (Burn Out® or Smart Shock®) and use a good quality algaecide such as Back Up®, Algae All 60®, or Banish® in extreme cases. Pools treated with SoftSwim or other Biguanides should top up their Bactericide level “B”, add a double dose of algaecide “A”, and add a double dosage of shock or “C”. Follow up either method with Optimizer Plus®. Treating algae with Sodium Bromide should be discouraged as mentioned above.

“Mustard Algae” is probably the MOST misdiagnosed form of algae. Mustard algae is a chlorine-resistant form of green algae (yellow-green to brown in color) typically found in sunbelt areas. It often resembles dirt or sand on the bottom or sides of a pool. In our market area (Fairfield county CT), the number of TRUE Mustard Algae cases that we treat can be counted on ONE HAND in most seasons. Mustard Algae is prevalent in Sunbelt areas. Mustard Algae has certain characteristics: It can be brushed away very easily, but returns quickly to the same location.

Keep in mind that the “algae” may be returning to the same place due to a dead spot in the pool. Be sure that you have good circulation through out the entire pool.

Although it usually creates a large Chlorine demand, it has been known to survive in high levels of Chlorine – over 3.0 ppm. It is extremely important to remove mustard algae growth from equipment (including the back of underwater lights & ladders) and bathing suits to avoid cross or recontamination of other pools. Pool equipment can be left in the pool during product application or cleaned separately with a mild cleaning solution. Rinse thoroughly if equipment is used in a SoftSwim® pool. Bathing suits should be washed with detergent as directed on garment label.

Treatment: Have water properly analyzed. BALANCE THE POOL WATER. Prior to and during treatment, the algae MUST be thoroughly brushed in order to “break open” the slime layer – such as with Black Algae. Failure to do this critical step will prevent the treatment from working. Pools treated with chlorine or bromine should aggressively shock with chlorine shocks such as BioGuard Burn Out® or Smart Shock® and use a good quality algaecide such as Back Up®, Algae All 60®, or Banish® in extreme cases. Pools treated with SoftSwim or other Biguanides should top up their Bactericide level “B”, add a double dose of algaecide “A”, and add a double dosage of shock or “C”. Follow up either method with Optimizer Plus®. Treating algae with Sodium Bromide should be discouraged as mentioned above.

The best way to prevent and control algae is to maintain good pool care. Good pool care means following the 5 Keys to pool care (look for our published articles on theses subjects): 1. Have and maintain good circulation of the water to all parts of the pool. 2. Filter the pool a minimum 8 to 12 hours daily. 3. Clean the pool regularly by vacuuming and brushing all surfaces. 4. Test the Water at least 2 times each week. Testing tells you what is going on with the water. Make adjustments immediately when necessary. 5. Maintain good Water Chemistry. Chlorine or other sanitizer in their correct ranges, pH 7.4 – 7.6, Total Alkalinity 100 – 150 ppm, Calcium Hardness 200 – 300 ppm. On a weekly basis (every week all season long): Shock the pool with the appropriate shock treatment and add a maintenance dose of a good quality algaecide (please don’t use the gallon jug algaecide – they’re mainly colored water).

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1261708

Pool Opening – Get the Most From Doing It Right

Spring is blooming across the country and the pool is on that “to do” list of outdoor chores. Why not lessen the chore and make life a bit simpler this year? Removing your swimming pool can reduce hazards and liability so leave it with your pool removal Sydney.

If you’re thinking, “Ron, you’ve got to be kidding!”, then let me put it this way: taking it step by step a little at a time starting a month or more before “officially” opening the pool DOES make pool opening simpler. Following a few easy to follow steps makes it manageable with less stress and overall better success.

First things first. After a long, cold winter just get out there and take a look. You may not want to! Seeing all those accumulated leaves on the cover, not to mention the water may just cause you to stop right there. Instead, hook up your cover pump and start getting that excess water off of the top of the cover. Remember that wherever the water level is on TOP of the cover, that’s where the overall water level itself is.

If the water is fairly clear, don’t worry too much about pumping that water that’s on top, back underneath and into the pool. Especially if the water is cold and clear. The purpose of doing that is to take advantage of the free water. At the same time add a bottle of a good quality (40% strength or greater) algicide into the water right at the point where the top water is going in. Even though the filter or pump may not be hooked up, the water and algicide will flow around the pool.

If you have a white plaster or marble dust finished pool, DO NOT add any type of algicide containing copper at this point. You always want to have the filter system operating to properly circulate the product containing copper. If you don’t, you risk staining the pool surfaces.

Why algicide at this point? An early addition of algicide will begin to combat and prevent early algae growth. This is especially true if you have a mesh style winter or safety cover that allows sunlight to penetrate into the water. Ideally, the best thing to do is to remove the cover from the corners of the pool, take your leaf net and simply swish the water around for a couple of minutes. That will be adequate after adding the algicide.

What else should you consider adding?

If you know that you are prone to metal staining due to heavy metals such as iron, copper or manganese being present in the tap water (this is why you use some of the cleaner water from the top of the cover), prevent staining by adding a good quality metal and stain preventative. If scaling (due to high calcium levels) is a problem during the season, you can add a scale inhibitor at the same time. Remember that calcium is a mineral that dissolves better at colder water temperatures (under 80 degrees F). As the water warms, and gets very warm or is heated, scale can form and dramatically reduce heating efficiency; even if you are using a solar heater (those small tubes are just waiting for scale build-up).

One of the most often neglected products to use at spring pool start up is a good quality enzyme. Enzymes are excellent in prepping your pool’s water for opening and spring start up. Enzymes consume certain organic wastes and build-ups before you get started. Enzymes are best used when you have attached the pump and motor and have started the system.

Starting the filter system while the winter cover is still on is an absolutely terrific idea! You get the water moving and filtered. You get the preventive chemicals circulating. You get the water warming up faster. I began doing this over the past couple of years. I have several trees that don’t finish shedding their early flowers or seeds until late May. The cover stays on and the water remains clean. When the cover comes off, it’s almost ready to swim in.

One chemical that you should NEVER add while the cover is on is any type of shock treatment. Regardless of whether it’s a chlorine or non-chlorine shock ALWAYS have the cover OFF of the pool for a minimum of 4 to 6 hours. Why? The job of the shock treatment is to oxidize or burn off wastes (including ammonia compounds) from the water. As the shock does this oxidation work, those impurities have to “gas-off”. If the cover is on, those gases simply hit the underside of the cover and fall back into the water to re-form as chloramines. Now when you open the pool, you’ll have even more chloramines to deal with which could lead to a serious chlorine demand problem that will be difficult – and expensive – to resolve.

A couple of more Do’s and Don’ts when starting the pool:

DO – Remove excess leaves and debris before removing the winter cover. You definitely DO NOT want that stuff going into your pool.
DO – Balance the pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Balance it according to mid-summer parameters taking water temperature into consideration.
DO – Consider using a biofilm removal product when first starting. Biofilms are the source of many water problems including white water mold and pink slime, never mind scaling issues, and often times algae. A new products named AquaFinesse Pool Water Care Tablets are easy to use and are an excellent choice.
DO – Shock the pool well. We recommend 3 to 4 times the normal amount for best results. Many pool owners have problems in the middle of the summer because they didn’t adequately shock the pool (or continue doing this step) at start up.
DO – Start with fresh water testing reagents or test strips.
DO – Allow the water to circulate 2 – 3 days continuously before testing. Many chemical components need to be circulated for a proper test.
DO – Chemically clean the filter about one week after opening.
DO – A manual vacuuming and brushing as the first cleaning of the new season. Brushing and vacuuming helps to remove organic build-up from the pool’s interior surfaces and helps to circulate spring opening chemicals.
DO – Chemically clean the solar blanket before using it for the first time of the season.
DON’T – Randomly add water balancing chemicals. Just because you needed or added 25 pounds of total alkalinity increaser last year, doesn’t mean you’ll need the same this year. You many need more or you may need less. Always test first.
DON’T – Add cyanuric acid (also known as CYA, stabilizer, conditioner, sun shield, etc) until after a proper test. Once CYA has been added to the pool, it doesn’t come out of the water unless backwashed out or other wise diluted. It stays in the water from year to year. Excess CYA is an unnecessary expense and can add to a high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) problem.
DON’T – Use muriatic acid to clean your filter. Muriatic acid will set greases and oils into DE or Cartridge filter fabrics.
DON’T – Use your automatic pool cleaner until after the initial vacuuming and brushing.
DON’T – Put on the solar blanket until after the water is balanced and has been shocked.

Even opening your own pool shouldn’t take longer than 2 to 3 hours for the average residential inground or aboveground pool. Happy Swimming! Use and enjoy your pool.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6142896