You will learn a lot of important surfing techniques when you will joining surfing app lessons. The instructors teaching at surf camps and schools ensure that every beginner surfer they teach learn everything. Right from choosing the right board, right spot, right day to surf, how to stand up on surfboard and knowing what rip currents are, they will teach you everything.
When you are taking surfing lessons, you should pay heed to the tips given by the instructors. In between the training, they will teach you what rip currents are and how to confront them and get out of them. A rip current is a strong thin current heading from shore back to the sea. If anytime you get caught in a rip current, don’t panic. It is advised not to paddle against it. You will waste time and will get exhausted.
Most of the rip currents are narrow. So paddling parallel to shore will help you paddle out of it. When you are in the ocean, you need to remain calm because you never know when a wave could come in front of you. Stay calm and work with the ocean and not against it. There are a few signs that will help you in identifying rip currents.
Here are the signs of rip currents
- Waves are not breaking completely in the rip and the water is headed back to the sea
- You may experience or see objects or other surfers being pulled out to sea rapidly with little or no effort
- A change in color of the water
Sometimes you will not be able to make out the signs of a rip current and still get caught in one of them. You need to keep calm and find ways to come out of it. This will save your time.
Your instructor giving you surfing lessons will also tell you to choose appropriate days for surfing. Every day is different and you need to respect the ocean. Your instructor will never let you go surfing on a day when the rip currents are stronger. Stronger rip currents are dangerous and you should generally avoid going into the water when there is a possibility of more rip currents.
The beginner surfers learn a lot of more surfing techniques at surf camps and schools. You should join a popular surfing school to make sure you learn right surfing techniques from an experienced instructor.